Sustainable Cities and environmental: a history from the perception of Municipal Managers of the Metropolitan Region of Cariri, Ceará, Brazil



Sustainability, Metropolization, Municipal Management, Urban planning, Environment


The Metropolitan Region of Cariri (RM Cariri) is located in the extreme south of the state of Ceará and currently consists of nine municipalities. The region has a context of high economic and demographic growth, especially in the main municipalities that comprise it. The objective of this research is to analyze the sustainability bias in the RM Cariri from the perception of municipal managers and the legal-institutional apparatus of interaction between urban and environmental issues. The perception of the notion of sustainable cities by the mayors of the municipalities that are members of RM Cariri was obtained through interviews with subsequent analysis of the discourse, while the legal-institutional apparatus was obtained through secondary data. RM Cariri presents few measures and actions that can be classified as sustainable and, therefore, are related to the dimensions and characteristics of Sustainable Cities. Not even simple questions like the elaboration of the Participative Master Plan are unanimous in this arrangement. Regarding the perception of municipal mayors about knowledge about the notion of sustainable cities, it was noted that, often, the view of these actors was limited to one of the dimensions of sustainability - generally, the economic one. Thus, there is a distorted and limited view of what sustainability is, aligning it only with the economic bias, and, therefore, this also had an impact on the notion of sustainable cities. Therefore, there is an inclination to produce an environment with good economic rates, but with an unsustainable social and environmental situation that will bring more evident losses to future generations.


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Author Biography

Diego Coelho do Nascimento, Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)

Licenciado em Geografia Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA), Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFCE) Doutor em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). Professor Adjunto na Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA) e coordenador do Laboratório de Estudos Urbanos, Sustentabilidade e Polí­ticas Públicas (LAURBS).


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How to Cite

NASCIMENTO, Diego Coelho do. Sustainable Cities and environmental: a history from the perception of Municipal Managers of the Metropolitan Region of Cariri, Ceará, Brazil . Journal Geotemas, Pau dos Ferros, v. 10, n. 3, p. 106–124, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.

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