Women's health in Alto Oeste Potiguar
Community Health Agent, Public Policy, Women's healthAbstract
Knowledge about access to and how to use health services in the territory is essential to reduce barriers to treatment, promote the prevention of diseases and enable health promotion, in order to guarantee the principles of universality and equity, with approximation to services and guidance on the design of women's health policies. The study aims to analyze the health care policy for women based on information from the Home and Territorial Visit Report of the Community Health Agent, from a municipality in the Alto Oeste Potiguar region. It is a descriptive documentary study of a qualitative nature. It was evident throughout the study, a territory characterized by the predominance of the female gender, presenting a population profile affected by Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, degenerative diseases and with special needs, also women aged 50 to 60 years, with the exams of mammograms and preventive actions up to date, in addition to the number of women of reproductive and non-reproductive age. There is a prevailing consensus that the achievements in favor of women's health are still far from being identified as acceptable, however, the research makes it possible to understand the advances, challenges and difficulties in the implementation of health policies for women in the studied context.
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