Perception of visual pollution in the urban center of Mossoró/RN
Environmental Perception, urban landscape, solid wasteAbstract
The present study had the objective of analyzing the perception of the population of the city of Mossoró-RN regarding visual pollution, having as a space for the collection of data to the squares Rodolfo Fernandes, Vigário Antônio Joaquim and Independência. The evaluation of this perception was made through semi-structured questionnaires applied to the passerby population of the study area. With the results obtained it was possible to prove that in the population's view graffiti is much more associated to a visual pollution compared to graphite, which is often cited as art. It was also verified that among the types of visual pollution existing in the urban center of Mossoró, garbage is the most pointed by the interviewees, and that even these being aware of the aesthetic damage and the health that this type of pollution causes is necessary to be expanded the discussion on this problem that affects most of the urban centers. In addition, it is necessary to act of the municipal public power to control the elements related to visual communication existing in the city, meeting the restrictions established by Complementary Law 47/2010.
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