Anthropogenic actions, Conservation of natural resources, Environmental Vulnerability IndexAbstract
In recent years, concern for the preservation of natural resources has increased significantly. In this perspective, the present work aims to evaluate the environmental vulnerability of the Itirapina – SP municipality, due to the relation of the physical characteristics with the use and land cover in 2016. The geology, pedology, slope and land use information were inserted and analyzed in the Geographic Information System (GIS), which supported the determination of the Vulnerability Index. With the purpose of facilitating planning in management actions, acting on environmental quality and minimizing the impacts of the different activities in the municipality. The physical characteristics and the biotic and abiotic variables contributed to the determination of the degree of environmental vulnerability where Itirapina has been submitted throughout its territory occupation process, mainly driven by economic issues, oriented to the agricultural commodities driven by the characteristics environmental conditions present in the study area. In this way, it is evident the tendency of the loss of the environmental quality present in the municipality, that although the analysis stands out with a degree of very low and low vulnerability, the region still suffers anthropic pressures, against agricultural crops which can compromise the environmental services provided by ecosystems.
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