Positive and negative aspect in windy power production in distrito do Tamboril, Morro do Chapéu – Bahia
Geosystem, Environmental and social impacts, SustainabilityAbstract
This research presents the wind energy matrix process insertion in the Brazilian power production system and the positive and negative consequence caused on the physical environmental system, as well the Bahian population from the district Tamboril, situated in Morro do Chapéu - Bahia. Environment preoccupation, accompanied by the public and private investment, has driven the windy power expansion production. Considering the comprehension necessity of the meaning windy power matrix expansion triggering in Northeast region, it was analyzed the historic of energy production in Brazil. This study aims to show how this accelerated development interfere in the social and environmental scope of existent communities nearby the Complexo Eólico Tamboril, as well the territorial clashes existents in these local, once, whole soil production and appropriation process change and transform the geographic space. From the used methodology which consist in bibliographical research, documental analysis and field work in systemic method perspective, it became visible that although there are some advantages linked to windy power system production, there are negative points related as implemental phase as operational phase which produce temporarily, permanent and cumulative effects to geosystem.
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