
  • Fabio Rossano Dario Scuola Superiore Sant"™Anna, Pisa, Italy


Caatinga, Floristic, phytossociological study


This study was carried out in an area inserted in the Savana-Estépica ecosystem, part of the bioma Caatinga, and it is located near the town of Campina Grande, State of Paraí­ba, Brazil. The aim of this study was to describe the floristic composition and the structure of the vegetation through floristic studies and forest inventory. It was studied eight sampling plots of 10 x 40 meters, where were measured all trees and shrubs with stem diameter at soil level > 2 cm and height > 100 cm. It was calculated the phytosociological parameters, indexes of Shannon (H"™) and Pielou equability (J). The predominant layer in the vegetation is the shrub, with heights ranging from one to two meters, and trees whose maximum height is of 5 meters. The total basal area was 2.94 m2.ha-1. The phytossociological study registered a low diversity of species (n=20). The Shannon"™s index was H"™=1.89 nats.ind-1. The species of highest value of importance were Mimosa tenuiflora, Ziziphus joazeiro, Croton blanchetianus, Poincianella pyramidalis, and Commiphora leptophloeos. The floristic study registered 65 species, among trees, shrubs, herbs, vines and epiphytes. Therefore, with the results it was concluded that the vegetation is in the initial stage of ecological succession with different degrees of human impact.


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Author Biography

Fabio Rossano Dario, Scuola Superiore Sant"™Anna, Pisa, Italy

Pesquisador Dr. pela Scuola Superiore Sant"™Anna, Pisa, Itália 


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How to Cite

DARIO, F. R. . PHYTOSSOCIOLOGICAL STUDY OF CAATINGA VEGETATION IN INITIAL STAGE OF ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION IN PARAÍBA STATE, BRAZIL . Journal Geotemas, Pau dos Ferros, v. 7, n. 1, p. 71–83, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.