The macho discourse reproduces itself most visibly in humorous texts that are usually circulated in the media, whether written or spoken, especially on internet sites. This paper seeks to reveal how this type of speech works in jokes. To achieve this goal, anecdotes were collected after the search of the expression "macho jokes" on a search engine. The theoretical foundation was developed in the light of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) from the considerations of Fairclough (2001) and Meurer 2005) on the perspectives that have been built on the analysis of textual genres and Wodak (2004), who speaks about its origin. In addition, we take as support sources that deal with anecdote theories such as Possenti (1998), as well as other sources by other authors. The research results indicate that macho anecdotes are produced, distributed and consumed to establish stereotypes that deny women, as well as maintain hegemony in the male-female hierarchy in society.
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