Environmental impact assessment in the installation of a wind farm in Pereiro-CE
Clean Energy, Growth in the Energy Sector, Interaction Matrix, Environmental PreservationAbstract
Energy is extremely important for the development of human activities. In view of this, it is of fundamental importance to verify possible environmental impacts of effective or potentially polluting activities, especially those that will be implemented in places of great environmental preservation. The municipality of Pereiro / CE currently lives with a scenario of environmental degradation, which comes from the neglect of the population and projects of enterprises. This research aims to promote a discussion about the possible environmental impacts from the implementation of a wind farm in the municipality of Pereiro / CE, aiming to analyze the feasibility of installing a wind farm in the Serra de Pereiro / CE, through identification, measurement and assessment of environmental impacts from the installation phase. The environmental impact analysis method was the interaction matrix. By applying the methodology it was possible to identify 274 impacts in the installation phase, of which 119 were assessed as significant, where 49 are related to activities that may change the physical and chemical characteristics of the site, such as habitat modification, land cover, wildlife scaring, loss of biodiversity, alteration of drainage, surface paving, road and trail construction, surface excavation, wind turbine installation, and waste disposal, all of which should be given greater attention to the mitigation. Therefore, the results were satisfactory as to the feasibility of installing the wind farm in the municipality in question, even through the significant impacts identified, and therefore may serve as a basis for future studies, even for companies that are seeking to implement this venture in the region locality.
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