The human and the rivers: discussion on environmental perception of dwellers of the Municipality of Santa Cruz do Capibaribe on the Cabipabaribe river-PE
Place, Fluvial environment, Environmental quality, Environmental educationAbstract
The water courses are social environments, because through them great civilizations have begun. However, man's relationship with this environment has been modified over time, and the place that previously had for many a symbolic value and belonging as a space of contemplation, leisure and source of resources, has become in many places, of different contexts and experiences, a space of environmental degradation. Thus, considering the memory and the experience of people with water courses, this article aims to present, in a way analogous to the geographical concept of 'place', the environmental perception of residents of the municipality of Santa Cruz do Capibaribe - PE on the Capibaribe river. To do so, qualitative exploratory research is developed through a bibliographical and documentary review of the subject and object of study, as well as field research based on the observation of the place and the application of the interview to thirty (30) residents of the mentioned municipality. Finally, from the results obtained, a reflection on the possibility of changing the paradigm and behavior of the population towards this fluvial environment is presented, as well as, it indicates the environmental education as a tool that promotes this social transformation.
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