The importance of the faveleira in the conservation of caatinga: an analysis after the drought cycle 2012-2018 in the area in the desertification process



Northeast Brazil, Dry forest, Slum


To test the hypothesis that the shantytown is dominant in the plant community where it is located and influences the diversity and density of species, an inventory of existing vegetation was carried out in plots with the presence of the shantytown (PCF) and without the presence (PSF), in a rural area located in the rural community Melado, municipality of São José do Seridó / RN. The work was carried out between September 2018 and February 2019. All living and dead plants with a total height ≥ 10 cm in 32 10 × 10 m plots were counted. 19 species were identified, including the slum. Eight species (42%) were verified only in the PCF. The 16 PCF counted 1,172 plants, of which 1,121 were alive (95.7%) and 51 were dead (4.3%). In the FHP, 785 individuals, 721 (91.9%) of whom were alive and 64 (8.1%) were killed. It is confirmed that the shantytown plays a key role in the conservation of the other species of the plant community where it is located, which was proven by the greater diversity of species and the greater number of live plants in the PCF. This information reveals the importance of the plant in the actions of conservation of the caatinga and / or recaating, to mitigate the effects of the process of desertification and global warming in the Brazilian semiarid and to increase the supply of environmental goods for human activities.


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Author Biographies

Josimar Araújo de Medeiros, Santa Teresinha Catholic College

Graduação em Geografia, Especialização em Bioecologia e em Geografia do Semiárido, Mestrado em Engenharia Sanitária e Doutorado em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Professor da Escola Estadual Prof. Raimundo Silvino da Costa/São José do Seridó/RN e da Faculdade Católica Santa Teresinha. Caicó, RN, Brasil.

Vládia Pinto Vidal de Oliveira, federal University of Ceara (UFC)

Doutorado em Engenharia Agronômica no Programa Agricultura e Meio Ambiente em Zonas íridas (Universidade de Almeria, U.A., Espanha); Graduação em Geografia e Mestrado em Ciências dos Solos pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Professora da Graduação e Pós-Graduação (Mestrado e Doutorado) em Geografia da UFC. Fortaleza, CE, Brasil.


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How to Cite

MEDEIROS, J. A. de .; OLIVEIRA, V. P. V. de . The importance of the faveleira in the conservation of caatinga: an analysis after the drought cycle 2012-2018 in the area in the desertification process . Journal Geotemas, Pau dos Ferros, v. 10, n. 2, p. 06–24, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.