Mapping of current health promoters in the San Ramón district, Costa Rica
Health promotion, San Ramon District, Google ReviewsAbstract
This research is framed as a collaboration of the School of Geography of the University of Costa Rica with the Office of the Ministry of Health of the Western region. This geographic study was oriented in designing a spatial database of existing public,private and community spaces for health promotion, conducting field work to capture data, making spatial interpretation and contrasting it with reviews of the application of Google Reviews to identify the perceptions, expectations and degree of user satisfaction of these mapped spaces. 82 places oriented to the development of sports, culture, leisure and recreational activities were identified for different audiences (children, adolescents, adults, older adults) in a total population of 8.717 inhabitants in the San Ramón district, Alajuela. Inaddition, it was compared by means of the Google Reviews user comments where 15 places have a positive evaluation as health promoting spaces, among which the Alberto Manuel Brenes Park, CCM Cinemas, the Agricultural Center, Municipal Market, Plaza La Sabana, Guillermo Vargas Stadium stand out. Roldán, the Church of San Ramón, the Rafael Rodríguez Sports Complex, the José Figueres Cultural and Historical Center, the University of Costa Rica, the Center for Social Culture, among others.
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