Agribusiness and redefinition of the segment of matogrossense urban network
Urban Network, Mato Grosso, Agribusiness, RedefinitionAbstract
The formation of the segment of the Matogrossense urban network is recent. Even though it was the initiation of the constitution process of urban centers in the XVII century, the disarticulation and fragmentation of spatial interaction stayed until the decade of 80 when the advance of the agricultural border established new territorial arrangements. It is relevant the creation of SUDECO in 1967, which acts in the implementation and road paving, the extension of the electrical network, and incentives to the occupation and modernization of the countryside. As a result of those actions, there was a strong growth of soy production in the state starting in 1980, which made it the biggest producer of Midwest in 1987. In 1993, it was possible to talk about the successful segment of the network articulated by Cuiabá and the emergence of cities linked to the modern field as Sinop. With the advance without precedents of agribusiness starting the year 2000 and making Mato Grosso the biggest producer of soy of the country, it is observed a deep and constant restructuration of the regional network: increasing of the intermediation centers, intercalary spatial interactions, competence and complementarity, ascent of medium cities and agribusiness and decreasing of old centers that cannot get the innovations. Furthermore, this work analyzes the formation of Matogrossense urban network, starting with the influence of agribusiness activities. This work was constructed based on the data collection of micro-data from “Regions of Influence of the Cities” publications from IBGE, data of farming production, commercial establishments and theoretical revision.
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