The Balanced Scorecard method in planning Brazilian Federal Conservation Units: pathways towards strategic management
Environmental planning, Sustainable development, Nature conservationAbstract
In Brazil, the National System of Protected Areas (SNUC) has been expanding with the increasing creation of new Federal, State, Municipal, and Private Conservation Units (CUs). The creation of a CU involves the challenge of effective planning, and management, to enable the achievement of specific objectives for each category in the different Brazilian biomes. Regarding the planning and management of these protected spaces, there are several methods for developing plans that have been changing over time, with a strong tendency to simplify planning, resulting in more agility in the development, lower financial costs, and greater objectivity in the practice of CU management. The purpose of this paper is to present, through a survey conducted in a sample of Federal CUs, the attempt to insert strategic planning using the Balanced Scorecard method for the planning and management of these Units. In conclusion, it was found that the Balanced Scorecard method provided a more focused management, with monitoring and better flow of information. However, there are factors that need to be overcome such as the low number of employees, low financial investment for carrying out the actions set out in planning, low number of people trained in the method, and few Conservation Units using it.
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