Landscape dynamics, Land cover, Territorial and environmental planningAbstract
This present article relates a study of landscape dynamics of the town of Martins/RN (Northeastern Brazil) in order to analyze the evolution of use and land cover between the years 1994, 2004 and 2014 and assess the main transformations in the landscape during the given period. The methodological procedures are supported in the analysis and interpretation of remote sensing products in Geographic Information System-GIS environment through the use of QGIS® software and field research. Semi-automatic classification techniques of Landsat 5 and 8 satellite images were applied, followed by review processes and manual correction, based on six classes of use and land cover. The results are presented in three thematic maps that show the evolution of the use and land cover classes during the studied period. The data point to a trend of anthropogenic modification of the landscape through a process of territorial expansion at the expense of reduction of natural areas and environmental and landscape balance. Finally, it suggests the need to create environmental planning and management tools for promoting a more appropriate land use planning to the municipal environmental characteristics.
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