Abordagens geográficas sobre o turismo


  • José Alexandre Berto de Almada UERN/UFPE




Tourism Geography, tourism, geographic approaches of tourism.


The tourism is a sector that has stood out annually, in 2016 it handled 1.235 million tourists worldwide generating $ 1.4 trillion in tourist exports (UNWTO, 2017). Contemporary tourism emerged from the grand tour evolving from the technical-scientific transformations experienced by the capitalist period, enabling tourism to be carried out by the working middle class, giving rise to mass tourism and the great tourist flows around the world, thus tourism is not only an economic phenomenon, but a multidisciplinary one, involving several areas of knowledge, including geography. The present paper aims to discuss, through geographic way, the tourism of its invention in the contemporary world. The analysis of tourism by geography is based on a diversity of views and perceptions of the geographic space transformed by tourism around the world, so Geography of Tourism should not be considered as a new geography, autonomous and linear, but as a thematic area within geographic science, which seeks to apprehend the phenomenon of tourism according to one or another epistemic line of geography, such as the neopositivist, Marxist, humanist or complexity perspective. We also understand that there is still much to be discussed about tourism in geographic science and that this work can contribute to this dialogue.


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How to Cite

Berto de Almada, J. A. (2020). Abordagens geográficas sobre o turismo. Think Geography Magazine, 4(1), 2–14. https://doi.org/10.26704/pgeo.v4i1.2133