The relationships between media discourse and school Geography: a possible dialogue
Geography teaching, media, discourse, decodingAbstract
Understanding the different mass media's language is an important issue for School Geography. Key-Categories of the Geographical Thought – between them, territory, landscape and space – are constantly presents in news, films, documentaries, serials and entertainment programs in general. In this sense, the present article presents a reflection on the relations between media discourse and the teaching-learning process in Geography in basic education. As it is a critical-descriptive investigation, the methodological resources of the analysis developed here consisted of the pertinent bibliographic survey and the literature review. To do so, execute the works of authors who carry out research on the vision of media discourse in Geography such as Vicente de Paula Leão, Iara Vieira Guimarães and Nidia Pontuschka. From the readings performed, we found that the incorporation of media material in the classroom should not be done as a complementary didactic resource, of an illustrative character, but as an object of study and be systematized in its discursive content. Therefore, it is up to the educator to promote the reframing of media discourse in the classroom and to guide his students in the management of the information that is available in the main communication vehicles.
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