Mapping of areas susceptible to mass movements in the Tejipió river water basin, in Pernambuco
Slopes, Geological Phenomena, Geographic Information SystemAbstract
In several Brazilian cities, the phenomenon of urbanization was developed in an accelerated, intense, and unplanned manner, leading to the occupation of areas unsuitable for housing, such as steep slopes and soils with little stability. In addition to other consequences, this occupation regime, combined with adverse weather conditions, favors the occurrence of mass movements, causing property and environmental damage, in addition to the loss of human life. Therefore, this study aimed to map the areas susceptible to mass movements in the Tejipió river basin, in Pernambuco, due to the physical-natural characteristics and the significant urbanization rate presented in the region. The methodology was based on the integration, in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment, of factors conditioning this type of process, namely: geology, geomorphology, pedology, land cover and use, slope, and rainfall. Then, weights were assigned to these factors, regarding the degree of potential for mass movements, so that the final product resulted in a thematic map of susceptibility to the aforementioned process. The main results revealed that 24.65 km² of the basin is represented by areas highly susceptible to mass movements, which is equivalent to 28.10% of the region and presents a combination of associated factors such as high hypsometry and slope and clayey soils. The mapping developed in this study comprises an important tool that aims to support planning and risk management for geological phenomena, allowing the definition of effective measures to prevent, protect, and mitigate negative impacts caused by mass movements.
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