Geology of the sacred sites of the UMÜKORI MAHSÃ (Desana) and YEPAMAHSÃ (Tukano) peoples in São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brazil




Geodiversity, Indigenous Cosmology, Yepamahsã, Umokori Mahsã


The study highlights the increasing relevance of Sacred Natural Sites (SNSs) in Brazilian government policies, emphasizing their cultural, biological and geological importance that have been consecrated by native peoples throughout history. Recognizing the vitality of these areas as environmental protection strategies, a participatory approach was adopted, interconnecting anthropological, archeological and geological knowledge. The research aimed to recognize the correlation between geological/geomorphological elements and the indigenous cosmovision in the SNSs of São Gabriel da Cachoeira (Amazonas, Brazil) through dialogues and exchanges that record the memories of these indigenous communities. Data collection on geological aspects was obtained from bibliographic information and fieldwork, while accounts of sacred places were extracted from mythical narratives, known as Kihti ukuse, described by indigenous experts of the Upper Negro River (Amazonas, Brazil). The study employs the book "Sacred Mythology of the Desana-Wari Dihputiro Põrã" and the works of the artist Feliciano Lana as the Desana mythological reference. The analysis of the narratives revealed the connection between indigenous cosmology and local geodiversity, highlighting the importance of narratives in indigenous culture and their sacred places, including descriptions of elements such as the "Cobra Traíra" and constellations in the indigenous calendar (yõkoãpa ma’a). It is concluded that the approach provides access to indigenous narratives, incorporating geoconservation strategies to safeguard the geocultural heritage of indigenous peoples of the Upper Negro River to promote conservation and sustainable preservation of these areas of cultural and environmental significance.


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Author Biographies

Cisnea Menezes Basilio, Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)

Are you a specialist in environmental auditing and forensics (2019). She has a Bachelor's degree in Geology from UFAM (2013). Update course on ANM Mining Administrative Process and Technical Mining Projects by Instituto Minere (2019). Collaborating member in the project entitled "Along the Canoe Paths of transformation to Ethnogeotourism in São Gabriel da Cachoeira-AM by PAINTER / FAPEAM 2020. She participated as an evaluating member of 07 extension projects for the Archeology course at UEA / CESSGC (2020). Member of the research group Geosciences and Sustainable Amazon Environment Study Group UFAM. Did you work as Planning Coordinator for the city of São Gabriel da Cachoeira-AM, where she advised the Department of Small Responsible Mining in coordinating projects aimed at indigenous protagonism, such as PARMARN  Municipal Program for the Use of Mineral Resources of the Upper Rio Negro (2018-2020). Coordinator of NIFFAM/SECTI/SEDECTI Alto Rio Negro Actions. Co-author of the Document "Mining in Indigenous Lands: A Necessary Position by FEBRAGEO (12/2020)."

Raimundo Humberto Cavalcante Lima , Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)

Geologist graduated from the Federal University of Ceará with a post-doctorate from the University of São Paulo on the subject of Geoconservation. PhD in Regional Geology at UNESP/Rio Claro (SP) with a sandwich doctorate period (PDEE-CAPES) at the University of Aveiro and at the Ceramics and Glass Technological Center - CTCV in Coimbra (PT). Master in Geosciences from Universidade Estadual Paulista - IGCE - UNESP. Professor at the Department of Geosciences at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). Experience acquired in research and mapping of industrial and agromineral raw materials, as well as characterization and preparation of masses for making ceramic products. Advisor of the Postgraduate Program in Geosciences at (PPGGEO) UFAM, working in the following areas: Geoconservation/Geological Heritage and Ecosystem Services with a focus on geodiversity. Member of the Support Center for Research in Geological Heritage and Geotourism (NAP - GeoHereditas) and member of the executive board of the Brazilian Association for the Defense of Geological and Mining Heritage (AGeoBR) Biennium 2023-2025.


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How to Cite

BASILIO, C. M. .; HUMBERTO CAVALCANTE LIMA , R. H. C. Geology of the sacred sites of the UMÜKORI MAHSÃ (Desana) and YEPAMAHSÃ (Tukano) peoples in São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brazil. Journal Geotemas, Pau dos Ferros, v. 14, n. 1, p. e02413, 2024. DOI: 10.33237/2236-255X.2024.6011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.


