Land use and cover in the municipality of Camaçari, North Coast of Bahia, Brazil: 1990 to 2022




Spatiotemporal analysis, Mapbiomes, Fragmentation threshold


Changes in land use and land cover often result in habitat loss, which has been identified as a major threat to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem maintenance, essential for human health, quality of life, and economic development. This quantitative study of the rural area of ​​the municipality of Camaçari, with 429.12 km², used the Land Cover Change tool of the QGIS program and land cover and use mapping from the MapBiomas Project. The objective was to analyze the spatiotemporal behavior of the landscape, focusing on forest habitats and the anthropic matrix, including the understanding of the socioeconomic dynamics of the area, using the area metric, between 1990 and 2022. In 1990, there was 132.39 km² of forest, while in 2022 the total was 144.45 km². Of this total, approximately 65% ​​corresponded to preserved forests, and 35% to regenerated forests. During this period, 41.84 km² of forest were deforested and an increase in urban areas was observed. Recent research indicates that 40% of the landscape should be covered by forests, with 10% in a single or few larger fragments. With 33% of forest and the largest fragment occupying only 5.7% of the landscape, the rural landscape of Camaçari is below this fragmentation threshold, where the effects of the configuration aggravate the loss of forest habitat. Furthermore, the small increase in forest area does not reflect qualitative improvements in habitats, as revealed by significant changes in the configuration of the landscape. To ensure a landscape favorable to biodiversity, it is essential to conserve all forests in the landscape.


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Author Biographies

Loyane Borges dos Santos, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)

He holds a degree in Forestry Engineering from the University of Brasília (2007) and Technology in Environmental Management from the Federal Institute of Pernambuco - Open University of Brazil (2011). She has a postgraduate degree in Municipal Environmental Management from the Federal Technological University of Paraná (2016). She holds an Executive MBA in Sustainable Regional Development Management from the Institute for Study and Research in Administration (2014). Master's student in Territorial Studies, from the State University of Bahia. She has worked as a Banking Technician at Caixa Econômica Federal (2005-2011), Project Coordinator at the Public Interest Civil Society Organization - Fábrica de Florestas Institute (2011-2017). Since 2013, she has been a Forestry Engineer at the Department of Urban Development and Environment of Camaçari City Hall. She has experience in the areas of Forest Restoration, Environmental Licensing, Environmental Education, Municipal Environmental Management Plans and Projects with an emphasis on forest resources and biodiversity.

Mara Rojane Barros de Matos, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)

He holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Bahia (1986), a master's degree in Ecology from the University of Brasília (1994) and a PhD in Botany from the State University of Feira de Santana (2007). He is currently a Full Professor at the State University of Bahia-UNEB. Coordinator of the Research Center for Ecology and Water Resources - CEPERH. Stricto sensu postgraduate professor PROET and PPGMSB. Coordinator of the Biological Sciences Course Board, DCET II, UNEB. He has experience in the area of Ecology, with an emphasis on Landscape Ecology, working mainly on the following topics: tropical tree species, phytosociology, modeling and simulation of sustainable landscapes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, Loyane Borges dos; MATOS, Mara Rojane Barros de. Land use and cover in the municipality of Camaçari, North Coast of Bahia, Brazil: 1990 to 2022. Journal Geotemas, Pau dos Ferros, v. 15, p. e02502, 2025. DOI: 10.33237/2236-255X.2025.6131. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 feb. 2025.




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