Agricultural production in Brazil and its determinants: an econometric approach for the years 2006 and 2017
Brazilian Agriculture, Panel Data, Production functionAbstract
Agriculture is a sector of great importance for the Brazilian economy, since the beginning of its existence, and is configured, until today, as one of the most representative segments, in terms of dynamism and balance of external accounts based on the Current Transactions Balance (BTC), particularly the Trade Balance (BC). Thus, the purpose of this research is to analyze the determinants of agricultural production in Brazil, considering the years 2006 and 2017 and data from the Agricultural Census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). In order to achieve this objective, the Panel Data econometric methodology was used, in which the value of agricultural production was considered as a dependent variable, while the employed persons, the area of the establishment, the number of tractors and the regional dummies represented the explanatory variables. The results showed that the random effects model is the most adequate; all coefficients were statistically significant at the level of 1%, with the exception of the dummy in the southern region, which was not significant; and 67.32% of variations in the value of production are explained by the set of independent variables. In addition, it appears that production in Brazil is more capital intensive. Therefore, it is concluded that greater action by the State is necessary, in the sense of expanding the technological access of producers, in an attempt to reduce the differences in the values of municipal production and to raise the agricultural product.
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