Soil Erodibility (K), conservation planning of land use, soil erosion by waterAbstract
The soil erodibility (K) is the term of the Soil Loss Universal Equation, expressing vulnerability or susceptibility of soil to erosion. Considering the importance of this factor in triggering the erosion process, the present study aimed to estimate the values of soil erodibility for the soil associations in the state of Piaui. The method used to estimate the values of soil erodibility was the Römkens et al. (1987, 1997). The results indicate the largest value of K ton.ha.h / for association PE5 of about 0,063 and the lowest value was 0, 010 for associations AM and R22. The variation observed in the values of K occurs both between different groups of soil associations, but also within a group of associations. 0.7%, 43.9%, 50.6%, 4.2%, and 0.3% of the area respectively show values of erodibility in the low, medium, high, very high and extremely high classes. There is a predominance of K values located in the middle and upper classes, for a total of 94.4% of the state area. This finding requires attention concerning the different uses undertaken in the state, especially in the southeastern portion of the state characterized by semi-arid climate, savanna vegetation and rudimentary practices land use, which can accelerate the erosion of soils, which in turns, can lead to a desertification process and consequent impairment of the populations quality of life.
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