Violence, Feminism, Black womanAbstract
This article aims to describe and analyze the history of black women and their struggle to overcome prejudice and the most diverse types of violence practiced against them. Such a discussion is necessary in view of the prejudice and symbolic violence historically suffered by these women and which still propagates in the present day, in the most diverse social practices, be they real or virtual. In addition, it seeks to present considerations on black feminism, which originated from the need to create a movement aimed at the black woman, who suffers double discrimination, because she is a woman and because she is black. In this sense, the study used as a methodology the bibliographical review on the subject in question and the analysis of textual genres, such as commercial and music. To support this study and analyzes We used the theoretical assumptions that approach the ideas of Orlandi (2015), Del Priore (2008; 2013), Louro (1995), among others.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Hilma Liana Soares Garcia da Silva, Lúcia Helena Medeiros da Cunha Tavares
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