The present work is inserted in the field of French Discourse Analysis (DA) and portrays the women's hair history, demonstrating how they act in the female subject constitution and how they are currently represented in the media. The corpus is consisted by 3 Lola Cosmetics"™ advertisement, called lolabooks, that approach the modern woman diversity, which is not restricted to a single beauty pattern. To support the discursive analysis were used the conceptions of Foucault (1996;1996), Gregolin (1995), Fernandes (2007), Carvalho (2008) and Tavares (2012;2015), that bring the DA theories to investigate the body and the discourse; Perrot (2016), Sant"™anna (2005; 2014; 2016), Raminelle (2015) and Morris (2005) to address the history of women, beauty and the body and Silverstone (2005), portraying media issues. Thus, it is intended to make a rescue of the construction of women's beauty in Brazil, emphasizing the speeches about hair, and to describe how is the constitution of the female subject process in the media, specifically in the Lola Cosmetics"™ advertisements. During the analysis, the memory"™s mechanisms will be interpreted in the liberation of stereotypes process, as well as in the exercise of media power in the disciplining of women's bodies. Studying these transformations in the media discursivization allows us to rescue the women"™s history and allows us to reflect on the influence of the hair in the subject constitution, also helping in the understanding of contemporaneity discourse.
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