O professor de Filosofia no Ensino Médio


  • Elvis Francis Furquim de Melo UFSM
  • Fernando Rodrigues Montes d"™Oca UFPel
  • Amarildo Luiz Trevisan UFSM


Historical-theoretical teaching, thematic-problematic teaching, third didactic via


To abandon unilateral conceptions of teaching and to conceive that the Philosophy presents an inviolable specificity are important steps to be given towards the task of reflection on the teaching of Philosophy. It is necessary to elaborate didactic strategies which comprehend a teaching that takes into account: contemplated concepts of the history of Philosophy, concepts created from problems and arguments expressed by the history-problems conjunction. It means to tie teaching as product and as process in a third didactic via. The purpose of this work is to present it: analyzing the favorable and the contrary arguments to the two antagonistic tendencies of the Philosophy teaching, the historical-theoretical and the thematic-problematic; identifying the producing elements, originated from the favorable arguments, and the self-defeating ones, originated from the contrary arguments, in order to reject the latter and to appropriate the first ones to the elaboration of the third via; synthesizing what of producing the antithetic tendencies present; and associating the argumentative competence to what has been synthesized as producing from the tendencies. Therefore, the third didactic via aims at conjugating the precision and the scientificity of the historical teaching, the creativity of the thematic teaching and the need that the students develop argumentative competence. 


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Author Biographies

Elvis Francis Furquim de Melo, UFSM

Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).

Fernando Rodrigues Montes d"™Oca , UFPel

Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) e bolsista CAPES.

Amarildo Luiz Trevisan, UFSM

Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) e professor do Programa de PósGraduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).


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SAVATER, F. Las preguntas de la vida. Barcelona: Ariel, 1999.

Bibliografia adicional

DELEUZE, G.; GUATTARI, F. O que é a filosofia? Trad. Bento Prado Jr. e Alberto A. Muñoz. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. 34, 1992. Tí­tulo original: Qu"™est-ce que la philosophie?.

FÁVERO, A.; RAUBER, J. J.; KOHAN, W. O. (Orgs.). Um olhar sobre o ensino de filosofia. Ijuí­: Unijuí­, 2002.

GALLO, S.; KOHAN, W. O. (Orgs.). Filosofia no ensino médio. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2000.
KOHAN, W. O.; CERLETTI, A. A. A filosofia no ensino médio. Brasí­lia: UnB, 1999.
PIOVESAN, A. et al. (Orgs.). Filosofia e ensino em debate. Ijuí­: Unijuí­, 2002.

PORTA, M. A. G. A filosofia a partir de seus problemas. São Paulo: Loyola, 2002.
SILVEIRA, R.; GOTO, R. (Orgs.). Filosofia no ensino médio: temas, problemas e propostas. São Paulo: Loyola, 2007.

TOULMIN, S. The uses of argument. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

WILSON, J. Thinking with concepts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970.



How to Cite

MELO, E. F. F. de .; D"™OCA , F. R. M. .; TREVISAN, A. L. . O professor de Filosofia no Ensino Médio. Trilhas Filosóficas, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 39–52, 2020. Disponível em: https://periodicos.apps.uern.br/index.php/RTF/article/view/1567. Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.

