Subjetivação e dobras de fora: transitando por Foucault, de Gilles Deleuze


  • Jean Henrique Costa UERN


Subjectivity, Disciplinary mechanisms, Technologies of the self, Folding, Subject


This work aims to discuss briefly the concept of "fold out", which received Foucauldian problematization particular design in the work of Gilles Deleuze during the 80th Century past. The representation of folding in Deleuze was constructed from the works devoted to Foucault himself (1986) and Leibniz – Le Pli: Leibniz et le barroque (1988) – and indicates in its complexity core semantics, a curve, flexing outside (power) for the establishment of "a relation of force with apower to affect oneself, one"™s affection itself alone" in the words of Deleuze. The concept of folding, although it is a theoretically strong enough to understand the subjective reality today is still little known. Thus, it is here the exercise of presenting it. This is done, depending on expression of Suely Rolnik, an "unusual journey to subjectivity", route surrounded by "irreconcilable inseparability between outside and inside". This is thus to achieve a thorough job of commenting this project udder-philosophical framework.


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Author Biography

Jean Henrique Costa, UERN

Sociólogo (DCS/UFRN) e doutorando em Ciências Sociais (PGCS/UFRN). Professor da Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN).


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How to Cite

COSTA, J. H. . Subjetivação e dobras de fora: transitando por Foucault, de Gilles Deleuze. Trilhas Filosóficas, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 30–40, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jul. 2024.

