A nova retórica de Chaïm Perelman


  • Ramon Rebouças Nolasco de Oliveira UERN
  • Danielle Freitas de Souza UERN


New Rhetoric, Persuasion, Speech, Adherence, Auditory, Reasonableness


Is approached, at work, the thought of the philosopher Chaïm Perelman and his New Rhetoric, as a recovery of ancient rhetoric of Aristotle, understood as art of discourse. In Perelman, the rhetoric is not simply the art of persuasion through discourse, but also to analyze and identify the means to do so, assisting in the structuring and preparation of arguments. In this rhetoric, participates the demonstration and the formal logic, when admitted the truths from the premises of the argument. However, the rhetoric is more concerned with the adherence than the truth, turning to the audience to whom the speech is directed. Given the absence of clear evidence, Perelman proposes a method based onreasoning, knowledge of the auditorium, their assumptions and adhesion capabilities. Perelman distance themselves from the current positivist (dogmatism) and scepticism, sorting on a philosophy of "middle ground", of reasonable, because it does not seek absolute truths or contents with the thought that there is no correct statements. Thus, all you need is a sufficient argument, that is debatable, but uncontested, which is based on the reasonableness of the common man and be able to persuade the audience to whom it is addressed. The Aristotelian notion of dialectic is taken up by Perelman to emphasize the importance of probable premises, propositions topical opinions (doxa) accepted by "all" or by a qualified majority. Your "Treaty of Argumentation" (2005) explores the logic of value judgments, reaching a third way, between rationality and apodictic empty ontology: the argument does not deny that certain rationality. Perelman breaks with the Cartesian rationalist, works with the dialectical reasoning, but acknowledges that it argued before the evidence, but the probable/likely/plausible, outside of certainties.


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Author Biographies

Ramon Rebouças Nolasco de Oliveira, UERN

2Aluno regular do Mestrado em Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN). Especialista em Direitos Humanos e Graduado em Direito pela UERN. Membro do Grupo de Estudo do Pensamento Complexo da UERN (E-mail: ramonreboucas@yahoo.com.br)

Danielle Freitas de Souza, UERN

Acadêmica do Curso de Graduação em Direito da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) (E-mail: danifrts@hotmail.com).


PERELMAN, Chaïm. Ética e direito. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1996.

_________________. Retóricas. Trad. Maria Ermantina Galvão G. Pereira. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1997.

_________________. Lógica jurí­dica: a nova retórica. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1998.

PERELMAN, Chaïm; OLBRECHTS-TYTECA, Lucïe. Tratado da argumentação: a nova retórica. 2. ed. Trad. Maria Ermantina de Almeida Prado Galvão. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2005.



How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, R. R. N. de .; SOUZA, D. F. de . A nova retórica de Chaïm Perelman. Trilhas Filosóficas, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 37–45, 2020. Disponível em: https://periodicos.apps.uern.br/index.php/RTF/article/view/1916. Acesso em: 8 jul. 2024.

