
  • Saulo Matias Dourado UFBA




Mestre Eckhart, Mí­stica Medieval, Desprendimento, Nada, Deidade


In Eckhart, from a mystical and neoplatonic understanding, there is a direct correspondence between divine nature and human nature: if God is good, it would be up to man to be maximally good, and the same would happen with justice, wisdom or whatever else. . But if God cannot be "neither this nor that", however, since it is before and beyond any being, man must also seek that lack of determination in his being and become free. The perfect freedom in Eckhart is Abgeschiedenheit, also translated as detachment. The relationship of man with reality is made in the stripping of a particularized understanding about self and things, in what is taken in their determination to be, and allowing the soul to become available, in order to fulfill the next degree when, by opening such availability, the opening of the real is understood and the real is united. In relation to the Nothing, having in itself this Nothing, which Eckhart calls "divine spark at the bottom of the soul", man understands himself One and participant in the same dynamic of the whole, and so, instead of knowing this same whole only by representation or by images, it identifies itself with the radicality of its nature undetermined by the depth of its soul. Reiner Schümann defines Mestre Eckhart's thinking as a "wandering joy", for describing man without a defined way and, therefore, in the joy of openness and fullness. The detachment in Eckhart would be a fulfillment of pure deity, since God, besides God, overflows and bears fruit from his being in the human soul, and Nothingness, which is the absence of definition of being, becomes a dynamic of creation, an abyss of possibilities.


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How to Cite

MATIAS DOURADO, S. A ALEGRIA DO DESPRENDIMENTO EM MESTRE ECKHART. Trilhas Filosóficas, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, p. 93–109, 2020. DOI: 10.25244/tf.v13i1.2071. Disponível em: https://periodicos.apps.uern.br/index.php/RTF/article/view/2071. Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.



DOSSIÊ FILOSOFIA E MíSTICA (v.13, n.1, 2020)