positive science in the perspective of L'Action (1893)


  • Galileu Galilei Medeiros de Souza UERN
  • Emerson Araújo de Medeiros UERN
  • Elisiane Pereira de Azevedo UERN
  • Francineide Araújo de Medeiros UERN


Positive science, Method., Philosophy of science, Postulates., Philosophy of action


the article intends to indicate the interpretation of Maurice Blondel about the positive science according to your L'Action (1893), namely, that positive science build by human action, without which it cannot be justified. We leave the characterization of positive science, considering your method, based primarily on considerations made in this regard by Karl Popper (2007) and Thomas Kuhn (2013). Secondly, we will seek to clarify the Blondel"™s argument about the status of positive science, understood as the result of a fruitful trade between deductive Sciences and applied Sciences, supported by a constitutive failure.


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Author Biographies

Galileu Galilei Medeiros de Souza, UERN

Doutor em Filosofia e professor do PROF-FILO-UERN

Emerson Araújo de Medeiros, UERN

Mestre em Teologia Moral, Mestrando em Filosofia (PROF-FILO-UERN) e professor da rede estadual de ensino- RN

Elisiane Pereira de Azevedo, UERN

Graduanda em filosofia na UERN

Francineide Araújo de Medeiros, UERN

Graduanda em filosofia na UERN


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Galileu G. M. de Souza; Emerson A. de Medeiros; Elisiane P. de Azevedo; Francineide A. de Medeiros
Revista Trilhas Filosóficas, Caicó, ano 9, n. 1, Jan.-Jul. 2016, P. 101-119.
ISSN 1984 - 5561
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How to Cite

SOUZA, G. G. M. de; MEDEIROS, E. A. de .; AZEVEDO, E. P. de .; MEDEIROS, F. A. de . positive science in the perspective of L’Action (1893). Trilhas Filosóficas, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 101–119, 2020. Disponível em: https://periodicos.apps.uern.br/index.php/RTF/article/view/2384. Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.

