From the logizization of the world to the predate world

An Analysis of Existence from the Work The Crisis of European Sciences and the Transcendental Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl 1936.


  • Claudinei Pereira UFES



Keywords: Edmund Husserl. Phenomenology. Epoché. Logic. World of life.



This article exposes phenomenology as an analysis of the world of life as a pre-given world, i.e., pre-signifying world, I understand it as an existential ontological condition. It makes an existential analysis from the work The crisis of European sciences and the transcendental phenomenology. Present some criticisms according to E. Husserl about the minimizing universe to which it is established within the context of a scientific characterization of the world, in which Husserl states that the world of life does not fit into an established formal context, but it is understood as dynamic, intentional, experiential and experiential. Moreover, he highlights some aspects of the phenomenological method as a means to transcendental ontological experience. In this way, he seeks to evidence a greater epistemological understanding of the Husserlian theory of the world of life by having direct contact with his works. Conclusively, he exposes how Husserl presents his critique of the scientific world view, proposing in another way, the experiential view of a transcendental ontology.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, C. From the logizization of the world to the predate world: An Analysis of Existence from the Work The Crisis of European Sciences and the Transcendental Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl 1936. . Trilhas Filosóficas, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 2, p. 25–41, 2020. DOI: 10.25244/tf.v12i2.295. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.

