
  • Cristian Marques PUC-RS


Theory of Knowledge, Gadamer, Plato, Seventh Letter, Hermeneutics


The aim of this article is to make explicit aspects of Gadamer 's interpretation of Plato's Seventh Letter that shed light on what fundamental traits are indispensable to an epistemology that is anchored in philosophical hermeneutics. Merold Westphal proposed in an article that philosophical hermeneutics could provide elements for a renewal of analytic epistemology. This paper is part of the broader interest of discussing what implications would have for the notion of knowledge if epistemology followed the path Westphal pointed out. For this, we chose a work where Hans Georg Gadamer, the main defender of philosophical hermeneutics, explores a phenomenological interpretation of Plato in which we identify relevant elements to think the notion of knowledge within this key of reading. Hans-Georg Gadamer explores, in the light of his ontological-hermeneutic conception, the text of the Seventh Letter, giving a renewed understanding to some aspects of the Platonic work, as well as indications to a phenomenological understanding of knowledge.


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Author Biography

Cristian Marques, PUC-RS

Doutorando e Mestre em filosofia pela PUCRS. Bolsista CNPq. Atua principalmente nas áreas de fenomenologia e hermenêutica.


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How to Cite

MARQUES, C. . GADAMER WITH PLATO AND KNOWLEDGE IN PHILOSOPHICAL HERMENEUTICS. Trilhas Filosóficas, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. 23–38, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.

