Public Policy, Sustainable Development, PlanningAbstract
Sustainable Development is a subject that is in focus on current reality, because it influences the quality of life of the population. And the development and implementation of public policies the way the public administration carries out its purposes and meets the demand of the population. This article aims to analyse the existing public policies in the municipality of Rafael Fernandes-RN, with emphasis on those related to the promotion of Sustainable Development (SD), from the model of the cycles of public policies (schedule training, policy formulation, decision-making, implementation and evaluation). To this end was carried out bibliographical research and case study in Rafael Fernandes-RN. You can see the existence of some initiatives of the Government to the SD, although it is necessary to strengthen sectors that showed trends of evolution and reorient the actions in areas that have shown behind the expected performance. Also it was found that further efforts are needed to strengthen the planning sector of the municipal public administration so that the development of intervention strategies and application of limited resources are capable to potentialize trends positive and able to improve the unsatisfactory situations and establish future optimistic expectations.
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