The credit installation and the quality of life of seating in the Cearense Semiarid: reflections on public policies for rural development
Quality of life, Rural credit, The territory of the semiarid, Rural Settlements, Rural developmentAbstract
This essay aims to contribute to the current debate on contemporary rural development strategies in Brazil. It comes from bibliographic review and participant observation of the researcher in the dynamics of rural settlements in the Sertões de Canindé territory, located in the Semi-arid Cearense, between the years of 2012 to 2017. In the first section, we present the semi-arid territory of Ceará, where we also discuss the concept of territory used in the article. Next, we discuss the process of conservative modernization experienced in the Northeast, which influenced the dual character of public policies in the countryside, from the emergence of SUDENE to the current existence of two Ministries to deal with the Brazilian rural. In the third part, we present the credit facility, the public policy directed to the beneficiaries of the agrarian reform program for the purpose of installation and support to the beginning of productive activities of the settled families. We point out reflections on the processes of development and expansion of the freedoms and capacities of the subjects and the relation of access to credit with the improvement in the quality of life of the beneficiaries. The study points out the challenge, in the approaches on quality of life, to build social indicators from the subjects, listing what is important from their worldview.
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