The embroidery industry and the production of urban space in Maranguape - CE
Industry, Space, GeographyAbstract
It is in the district of Sapupara in Maranguape - CE that we look for the Embroidery Industry and its interweaving with the cultural and economic dimension. We aim to analyze the production of the embroidery and the social, economic and, especially, the urban space of the municipality of Maranguape, and also to understand the relations of production and work in the cooperative under study; to investigate the profile of embroiderers and their spatialization in the Municipality of Maranguape and to identify the spatialization of embroidery production in the municipality and the flows that drive (Production, distribution, commercialization, consumption). For that, the following methodological course was drawn: Bibliographic survey; documentary and statistical analysis; field work and semi-structured interviews, preparation of cartographic material, tabulation of data, systematization and analysis of all collected material. It was possible to understand the importance of embroidery in Maranguape, both for its affective and cultural value as well as for its economic value. It is also possible to see how the insertion of women in labor corroborates the maintenance of the hegemony of the capitalist system and the existence of this embroidery industry, which represents an articulated whole of the capitalist system, even though governed by the logic of cooperative work, aid and all involved. The importance of this research for Geographic Science is evident, since this activity transforms the geographic space due to the creation of different fixed ones and the impulse of new flows, as the embroiderers that comes from six districts of different districts in the municipality and the public consumer of embroidery from different parts of the national territory.
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