The landscape of the city of Recife: a landscape analysis of old Recife neighborhoods - Santo Antônio and São José
Landscape, Recife, São José, Santo AntônioAbstract
Reflecting on the cultural landscape of the city of Recife brings out its history, spaces and territories relationship and, therefore, society. These are forms of incorporating cultural landscape, economic and political practices. We support Eric Dardel (2011, p. 30), when he states that "the landscape is a set, a convergence, a lived moment, an internal connection, an 'impression' that unites all the elements." It's about understanding cultural according to their representations and significations, with the purpose of apprehending the expressions of the landscape of the districts of Recife Antigo, Santo Antônio and São José of the city of Recife. The methodology used is embodied in the observation and analytical reading of the productions that deal with the theme. In this city, the landscape there is interactive mosaic units that allow us a possibility of observation. We assume the landscape as a whole considering the spatial interactions between natural and cultural units. It gives us the prospect of apprehending them while geographic and cultural expression in their multiple perspectives. The city had been modeled and revealed its structure and physiognomy. As a result, a new type of geographical landscape has been developed with rivers and bridges, mocambos and hills. Thus, the landscape of the capital of Pernambuco is composed of natural and human forms that constitute a heterogeneous set of river/ocean and urban/cultural. In this way, Old Recife is a city with breathtaking scenery that stands out for its features. That area corresponds to - Santo Antônio and São José "neighborhoods, well known as Navios and Antonio Vaz" -. The city is crossed by Capibaribe and Beberibe rives, and by the Atlantic Ocean that configure landscapes marked by the dialectic between the environment and the human products, in a noticeable scenario.
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