Social and Environmental Responsibility, Footwear Sector, CRAJUBARAbstract
This research aimed to assess the socio-environmental responsibility of the footwear industry in the CRAJUBAR conurbation (Crato, Juazeiro do Norte and Barbalha), located in the Metropolitan Region of Cariri (RMC), located in the state of Ceará, specifically in the injected soles sector. The methodology was based on the application of a semi-structured questionnaire to companies in the sector to build a Social and Environmental Responsibility Assessment Index (IRSA), composed of six dimensions (below), using the Delphi Method and analysis for this purpose. multicriteria for decision making, through the Analysis of Hierarchical Processes (AHP). In a ranking of the dimensions that present the best performance relative to RSA, there are: Minimization of Roads and Exits and Commitment to the Improvement of the Work Environment, these with an intermediate level of responsibility. The dimensions Education and Environmental Awareness and Management of Impacts on the Environment had the lowest levels of responsibility (very low class), while the dimensions Commitment to Social Responsibility; Improvement of the Environmental Quality placed in the low level of responsibility. As a consequence, the IRSA presented low values (0.306) indicating that RSA is a distant reality for companies in the sector. Ademias, the data collected in the research show a marked heterogeneity of companies in all dimensions.
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