Expansion, Urban production, PopulationAbstract
In the last decades, people leave the countryside and came to urban areas at the same time urban population has grown causing a non-ordered growth at cities, these facts changed the process of urban production and it has reflected on the construction of a new social reality. All of these situations are not specific from huge cities. For example, Pau dos Ferros, a small town located at Rio Grande do Norte, far from the capital, Natal, – 400 km in west direction. It has been inside a fast and deep transformation in what is concerned to urban area occupation, and these have happened due to several aspects present in this process of space production. We can see this through the urging of new communities, downtown expansion and by new consumption commercial space center that has changed urban morphology in the town. Taking into account all of those problems we decided to research this trying to comprehend how the production urban space occurs, and how urban space has grown in Pau dos Ferros. This research has a qualitative approach. We did a bibliographic study from which we took the contribution by Corrêa (2009), Campos Filho (2001) in what is concerned to the questions, just because we intended to discuss that reality in the city.
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