Regional issue, the pandemic and “the same death severina”: neoliberal austerity and aggravation upon inequalities in Rio Grande do Norte
Fiscal adjustment, The Pandemic, Inequality, Regional Issue, NortheastAbstract
Besides provoking an unprecedented health crisis, claiming more than 670,000 lives in Brazil by December 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated social inequalities. However, in the pre-pandemic context, the socioeconomic crisis and institutional instability were already deepening in the country, restricting the state's ability to intervene in the face of the adoption of structural neoliberal fiscal austerity measures. The study advances in the analysis of the particularities of the health and socioeconomic impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Northeast Region of Brazil, considering that the unequal and combined historical process of capitalist expansion in the country, produced deep regional inequalities. In this way, it is considered fundamental to verify the behavior of social indicators in the pandemic period in the Northeast Region of Brazil, also highlighting unique cases in the Northeastern states. Therefore, this study analyzes the implications of the fiscal adjustment for the worsening of poverty and social inequality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, bibliographic and documental studies were carried out alongside the collection and analysis of socioeconomic data obtained from secondary sources. The analysis of the information shows that there was an aggravation in the social indicators of the region, and even more accentuated in the State Plan of Rio Grande do Norte, which reflected accumulated historical deficits due to regional inequalities. This degradation of life and work conditions is not only due to the unexpected pandemic, but also the options and decisions of governments in the pre-pandemic period, glimpsing the interests of financial capital, and leaving the population without the quick and appropriate protection in the health emergency. Especially concerning lethargy and insufficient social investment to guarantee income, dignity, and hope for Brazilians, people from the Northeastern region, and people from Rio Grande do Norte.
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