Social and environmental perception and status of preservation of the springs of the Apodi-Mossoró river
Environmental management, Hydrographic basin, Public policyAbstract
Environmental degradation has contributed to a decrease in the volume of water in springs, thus compromising the provision of multiple uses and affecting the functions of watersheds. This work aims to carry out a macroscopic diagnosis of the perennial springs of the Apodi River Basin - Mossoró. The state of preservation was obtained through the macroscopic evaluation which was ranked as excellent, good, fair, bad and terrible in the perennial springs in the municipalities of Portalegre, Martins, Paraná, Luiz Gomes, São Miguel, Coronel João Pessoa and, finally, Doctor Severiano. In the basin, 18 perennial springs were studied. Finally, the environmental impacts were identified. As for the state of preservation, 34% had a “fair” degree of preservation, 33% of the springs had a “very poor” degree of preservation, 22% “good” and 11% “bad”. In view of this study, it appears that the springs have several environmental impacts, including the presence of open sewers and deforestation. The main agents causing these impacts were the absence of a protective fence, easy access, presence of irregular disposal of solid and liquid waste, disorderly urbanization and soil compaction. For the recovery and environmental control of the springs, it is necessary to use measures that will mitigate the environmental damage to them: protection fence; environmental education programs; reforestation of APPs; environmental sanitation; treatment of liquid waste, soil cover, among others.
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