Method, Metadisciplina, philosophy of geographyAbstract
The reflection about the method into the geography can be made, among endless possibilities, from the update of contributions located in various sciences and in the philosophy, including theoretical propositions of geography, or in addition, based in the research, often named "empirical", about one or more aspect of territorial dynamic (the technical systems and territory integration, the new urban dynamics, the role of information, the territorials effects of public policies, some of the mains themes of research in the geographical science actually). The last perspective is often made in construction process of doctoral thesis, master"™s degree dissertation or monograph. We problematize the possibilities to treat the two perspective (update of contributions and empirical analyses) in a complementary way. For this, the text discusses briefly the importance of "Metageografia" in the Milton Santos"™s perspective for the correct methodological conduction of geographical science. We advocate that the method itself involve complexity operations. Thus, its construction and utilization require a philosophy of geography. We start from the ideia of Armando Corrêia da Silva (1980, 2000) that says that, inside social totality, the geography must be considerate a subtotality. The aim of this reflection is to bring a contribution for the debate about geographic"™s method.
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