The tourism in the cosmopolitan mundialization times




Tourism, Mundialization, Production of geographical space


The phenomenon of globalization in the 1990s presented to the planet new relational links between the different parts of the world, being these, condition and conditioner of a new stage in the integration of world markets, where the financialisation of the economy and speculative capital become determinants in the world economy. This new international scenario contributed to the consolidation of tourism as an economic activity in the countries' revenues. The cosmopolitan mundialization is marked by the production of the geographical space by tourism and with its territory used by the logic of capital allied by a (re)invention of the tourist place, where the novelty of the period is to put destinations with different potentialities and level of organization competing with the same rules in the world market, reinforcing a process of tourism similar to uneven and combined development. This article presents a discussion of the process of mundialization from the theoretical perspective of Lévy (2007) and its implications for the production of the geographic space by tourism in the period of cosmopolitan mundialization, based on a bibliographical survey of authors who deal with the theme mundialization, Lévy (2007), and of the tourism phenomenon, Équipe MIT (2005, 2011), Coëffé et al (2007) and Brunel (2010), Sacareau et al (2015), based on the statistical data of the World Organization of Tourism (UNWTO, 2006, 2018). 


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Author Biography

José Alexandre Berto de Almada, Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE)

Doutorando do Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil.


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How to Cite

ALMADA, J. A. B. de . The tourism in the cosmopolitan mundialization times . Journal Geotemas, Pau dos Ferros, v. 8, n. 2, p. 79–99, 2018. DOI: 10.33237/geotemas.v8i2.3176. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.