Participatory methodology for strategic planning of the rural communities of José da Penha/RN
Strategic planning, Family farming, José da Penha/RNAbstract
This work is a study on strategic planning in family agriculture, with the objective of investigating the potential forces and the different problems that interfere in the process of development of family agriculture in the rural communities of José da Penha-RN. To do so, the methodology consists, initially, in the literature review seeking the theoretical support in authors such as, Buarque (2008), Mello (2007), Pedroso (2009), Silva (2006), among others. In order to identify the potentialities and problems of the rural communities of José da Penha/RN, the Participatory Rapid Diagnosis (PRD) was carried out through workshops with 22 social subjects, representing the institutions nongovernmental organizations and local public authorities. The data were organized and systematized through the Strengths-Opportunities-Weaknesses-Threats (SOWT) model, which presented the socioeconomic and environmental aspects that are directly related to the planning process of the rural communities in the municipality. The results obtained showed that the participatory planning process is essential for municipal decision-making. Finally, the socioeconomic and environmental model S-O-W-T was constructed, taking into account the results of the workshops. Thus, we can see that there are many challenges for family agriculture, and that the use of these methodologies can become a planning instrument for managers of different organizations, governmental or not, in the municipality of José da Penha/RN, thinking about policies of development based on local sustainability.
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