Space production, Urban space, Public placeAbstract
This paper focuses on a brief theoretical discussion about the production of urban space and public space, in the context of modernity. In this scenario, some contributions were made regarding the theory of space production, highlighting the importance of urban space. In addition, due to the relevance and complexity of the role of public space in contemporary times, we consider it helpful to construct a discussion about it, given that public space provides valuable questions regarding the reproduction of space, as well as the processes of uses and appropriations of spatial forms and contents by social groups, as well as the conflicts that are interrelated on a daily basis. For the development of the work that follows, we sought the theoretical apparatus in the important analyzes developed by some authors, such as Carlos (2007, 2016); Castells (2009); Gomes (2014); Lefebvre (2006, 2008, 2010); Gottdiener (1997) and Serpa (2014). In addition to the studies and analysis present in the works cited, we sought to add appreciations that we consider relevant, referring to the discussion put and based on the theoretical framework used, in order to contribute to studies that value the theoretical understanding of the production of urban space, as well as an understanding of the design of public space, due to its complexity and importance.
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