Paisagem, Influência antrópica, TocantinsAbstract
The objective of this work was to analyze the temporal dynamics of the landscape and measure the anthropic pressure on the environmental components of the municipality of Palmeirante/Tocantins, with a view to generating data that contribute to environmental conservation. For the development of this research, the following methodologies were carried out: bibliographic survey on the subject; elaboration of thematic maps (declivity, geomorphology and soils) and of vegetation cover and land use through the base of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), from the years 2009 and 2019, using the free software QGIS, version 3.18 and works field. In the period of analysis, it was observed that the livestock class has the highest occupation rate in the study area, reaching an index of 83.56% in the year 2019, while in the same period, the savannas had a decline in their areas to 12, 02%. Another result to be highlighted in the study is the beginning of the implementation of conventional agriculture, in 2019, with a value of 2.96%. Adding livestock and conventional agriculture, there is a percentage of 86.52% occupation of the study area, which may compromise local and/or regional biodiversity. It can be seen that the landscape of Palmeirante has been suffering anthropic pressure, mainly from livestock, requiring the implementation of environmental public policies for the maintenance of the still existing forest fragments.
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