School geography, Students, Geography teachingAbstract
Geography has as object of study the space, so it is in the geographic space that the relationship between society and nature is based is materializes. Understanding this interaction is of utmost importance to the effective critical and conscious training of citizens. Thus, the teaching of discipline, especially in high school, should be addressed so that this relationship is understood and covered satisfactorily. Thus, this article aims to analyze the perception of concluientes elementary school students, about geography as a discipline in a public school in the city of Campina Grande - PB. Specifically, it seeks to identify the main difficulties in the learning process, sort the highlighted content as more and less important and assess the way students perceive the pedagogical practices developed by the school and the Teacher of Geography. To this end, the survey was conducted using quantitative and qualitative method, through questionnaires that were applied to the total polpulação of the third year of high school students in three-shift operation of the educational establishment. As a result, it was found that for most students, the teaching of maps is directly linked to geography, as well the globalization. The lack of practical classes and the exclusive use of the didact textbook were identified as cause for difficulty in learning and, finally, the teacher's performance, in relation to pedagogical practices, was considered satisfactory by most students. In counterpart the school performance, for this same issue, was not well evaluated by the students.
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