Informal trade, public policies and mossoroense urban territory
Informal Trade, Public policy, Urban Territory, Mossoró, Comercio informalAbstract
It consists of a theoretical and empirical study that aims to analyze the conflictual relationship between the State and the informal traders – the street vendors - in the city of Mossoró (Rio Grande do Norte), based on the discussion of the concept of territory, as appropriate space from power relations, and the relationship between public policies and their contribution to the configuration of the territory. It notes that informal commercial activity has appropriated the public spaces of the urban center on canvas, as opposed to current urban laws and regulations. This illegal appropriation has been the driving and driving force behind the conflicts between the State and street vendors in the Mossoroense city. It points out that it is not only this dynamic that feeds this State x the street vendors impasse, with other forces and interests involved in this process - which surpasses the compliance (or not) of the urban rules. It results from a study developed through the reading of theoretical-conceptual materials, which deal with the discussion of territory and public policies, as well as official normative documents, which were made the theoretical contribution for the analysis of the reality of the Mossoroense urban territory, through of field research in its urban nucleus (observation of this urban dynamics).
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