Implications of land use and land cover changes in the water management of the Araguaia river basin
Araguaia River, Native Vegetation Conversion, Mapping, MapBiomasAbstract
This study investigates transformations in land use and cover in the Araguaia River basin between 1985 and 2022, highlighting the pressures resulting from agricultural expansion on the sub-basins. Using data from MapBiomas, the study offers a detailed analysis of environmental changes over nearly four decades, reflecting the intensification of human activities such as agriculture, livestock, and urbanization. The analysis revealed a significant reduction in natural vegetation cover, with a 44.21% decrease in Forest Formation, 41.53% in Savanna Formation, and 34.74% in Grassland Formation. These transformations demonstrate a shift towards intensified agriculture, with a significant increase in soybean cultivation and other temporary crops in previously uncultivated areas. The Rio das Mortes sub-basin stands out among the other sub-basins for having the highest rate of area conversion. Even after 26 years since the enactment of the Water Law, the Araguaia River basin still lacks committees which cover its entire territory. There are currently only seven basin committees, covering only 39.47% of the basin’s total area. There are 23 among the 40 sub-basins which still do not have an established basin committee. This gap in water resource management underscores the urgent need for effective public policies for the conservation and sustainable use of the river basin.
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