Environmental perception of beach users in the seventh coastal Potiguar-RN: clashes and perspectives toward the occupation of the maritime.
Natural resources, Environmental perception, Coastal managementAbstract
Therefore, the present research has as main objective: To verify the perception of the surfers of the beaches on the model of use and occupation of the space of the sea edge of Tibau and Grossos. The methodological procedures used the mixed approach through the application of 99 questionnaires in 4 points of the border of both municipalities. For the tabulation of the data, the nominal analysis was used by means of the percentage with the aid of the program Excel 2013. The results showed that the users that beach users understand about the importance of the conservation of these environments and the services that these provide the society , in this context the emphasis is on the proximity of the holiday homes in relation to the beach, in all the borders the respondents claimed that they found the houses very close to the beach, and on the B-Tibau border showed the highest percentage with 87% , followed by border C with 68% and finally the border B - Grossos with 56% of respondents. For those who do not consider summer houses very close to the beach, the highest percentage was on the B - Grossos border with 44% of those interviewed. Therefore, the area of study needs a territorial planning plan and mainly municipal tourism plans for better effectiveness of the sector of both municipalities, so that it provides as much to the tourists as to the local residents attending the beaches of both municipalities improvements in days of leisure.
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