Governmentality, Power relations, Sexuality device, Ethical constitution of the SubjectAbstract
The present work takes up Michel Foucault's thoughts on the notions of governmentality and the sexuality device; as an element that is crossed by power exercises; problematizing how they affect the processes of ethical constitution of the subject. It thus investigates power as power relations. Thinking from the question of biopower and biopolitics, responsible for the engendering of various control mechanisms and security devices, to the art of self-government, which start from an ethical perspective through which the subject would be constituted through selfcare that develops through self-techniques, which are largely about human sexuality. From this perspective, the sexuality device would have a dual role, establishing both objectification and subjectivation modes of individuals, which occur through the production of knowledge, conduct and resistance, which constitute the subjects, inserting them in the logic of governmentality.
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