New Pragmatics approach: developments and contributions for language studies


  • Monique de Mesquita Lessa Universidade Federal do Ceará


New Pragmatics, Linguistics, Discourse


The studies in pragmatics were established in the 20th century as the area that investigates the signs/interpreter"™s relationship. Among the most widespread pragmatic approaches is the Speech Act theory, developed by Austin (1962) and resumed by Searle (1969). In the 21st century, a new pragmatic approach was introduced by Rajagopalan (2010), who suggests a rereading of Austin"™s work and the disruption of the ties which have limited his original approach. Searle"™s reading of Austin"™s work mainly consists of speech acts classification proposal. The new proposal is distinguished for adopting a critical perspective, the interest in analyzing the political and ideological connotations related to language phenomena, and the transdisciplinary character, which dialogues with different areas of Humanities. Therefore, this paper aims to comment on the emergence and the principles of New Pragmatics, as well as its main contributions to Linguistics and to the discursive and social phenomena"™s understanding.


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Author Biography

Monique de Mesquita Lessa, Universidade Federal do Ceará

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How to Cite

LESSA, M. de M. . New Pragmatics approach: developments and contributions for language studies. COLINEARES, Mossoró, Brasil, v. 7, n. 2, p. 83–98, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.