Unraveling non-representational theories
non-representational theories, affect, networkAbstract
Based on the recognition that non-representational theories (NRT) are endowed with a dense epistemology and that there is a linguistic barrier to their consideration in Brazil, this article proposes to expose its assumptions. It uses the strategy of approaching the main theoretical contributors of NRT, their key concepts and ways of applying their assumptions in works published in Anglophone geography. It is noteworthy that the vocabulary of NRT is composed of words that are not familiar to most geographers, which can also constitute an obstacle to the popularization of the approach. Among the words used are dense concepts such as assemblages, affect, performance and affordances that are useful to synthesize complex processes and phenomena. The article highlights the virtues of NRT, which are centered on the ability to transcend dichotomies such as mind and matter, individual and collectivity, and man and nature. Through this transcendence, the TNR reject the approach of categories as ontologies and believe on the permanent instability of the imaginary and the relationships involving the human and non-human dimensions. The article warns in its conclusion that the field of research discussed here can be frustrating for the researcher who wants to use traditional forms of scientific research.
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